Course Overview

The StressVest RBT Instructor Course is designed to teach safe use of the StressVest System, reality based scenario and delivery, threat cue and pattern recognition drills, and role player strategies. This course will educate Instructors on the most up to date advancements in scenario and stress performance based training. This dynamic course has lots of practical hands on exercises and informative videos designed with the Instructor in mind.

Course Topics:

StressVest Operation & Safety
The StressVest system is the most advanced, force on force training system available. Safe and appropriate use of the StressVest system will be discussed along with blank fire, dry fire and CO2 recoil training weapon options. This section also teaches how to utilize the software based controller that allows for various modes of operation that can radically enhance performance of your students. This includes “Stress Exposure”, “Move to Cover” and “Injured Officer” modes

Understanding Human Performance Under Stress
The most advanced research and application methods in the area of human performance under stress will be examined. Stress Inoculation and Stress Exposure training will be directly covered. This section is a must for any Instructor desiring to develop themselves as a court declared expert in the area of police use of force dynamics.

Testing Performance Under Stress
Scenario based training is simply the most effective way to ensure your students are prepared to respond appropriately during a real world encounter. Instructors will be shown how to effectively design testing scenarios that will effectively identify individuals who require remedial training. The system of testing will also assist in identifying the type of remedial training required to quickly bring the student up to the desired level of performance.

Pattern Recognition & Response Training
Traditional Stimulus – Response training is not reflective of most real world encounters. A review of most encounters shows a laundry list of threat cues leading up to the final threat stimulus. This area of training will have the most profound effect on the performance of your students but is often the most overlooked and under utilized area of training. This section of the course will forever change the way you approach training your students for the real world.

Being An Effective Role Player
Role playing is the most important aspect of scenario based training. Regardless of how well structured a scenario has been formed, inadequate role playing can render the scenario useless. Instructors will be shown how to identify candidates for role playing, how to properly prepare the role player for the scenario, and how to control the role players performance during the scenario. This section of the course alone will dramatically improve your existing program.

Being An Effective Role Player
Role playing is the most important aspect of scenario based training. Regardless of how well structured a scenario has been formed, inadequate role playing can render the scenario useless. Instructors will be shown how to identify candidates for role playing, how to properly prepare the role player for the scenario, and how to control the role players performance during the scenario. This section of the course alone will dramatically improve your existing program.

Delivering Effective Scenarios
The course dedicates ample time to actual running of scenarios. Each participant will be required to deliver several scenarios to put into practice theories learned on the course. This hands on training is the most beneficial aspect of the course.

Online – StressVest® Operator CourseThe course takes two hours to complete online and reviews how to properly set up and operate the StressVest, and also the electrical safety elements of the product.2 hours
Onsite – StressVest® RBT Instructor CourseFull StressVest® RBT Instructor Course.3 Day
(24 hours)
StressVest® Conversion CourseTeaches how to use all purchased gear and how to integrate into established RBT program. Pre-requisite is that students all have previous Instructor certification in RBT (includes Simuntion, UTM, ATK, Ken Murray, or in house certification).1 Day
(8 hours)